baby boy

I had my lil boy at 33 weeks an 4 days he is my miracle baby the one after two misscarriages I had decided to walk to work an i got I say 1/2 way there then I caught the bus the rest I got to work that's wen I had the worse pain in my lower stomach down to my knee in my left leg they released me after over night observation where his heart dropped 4 times but hours apart an two rounds of the steroid shots I went home that Wednesday I didn't feel him move after I had felt him move in babies r us while getting him a stroller so back to the hospital I went and had him the next day after his heart kept dropping an it dropped 4 times in a hour so emergency c section was my only option he came out 4.9.9 17.5 inches got off oxygen iv in 2 days stayed in the hospital for 17 days because he wasn't regulating his temperature