my 7 mo old is driving me NUTS

My 7 mo old almost 8 months doesn't sleep!!
He's been driving me nuts lately!
I've tried everything
White noise, bed time routine, rocking, bouncing, later bedtime, earlier bedtime, long naps, short naps, he will not sleep! And when I literally finally get him to sleep in my arms I put him down to finally rest my back and 5 minutes later he's awake again!! Like why?!?! Is he not tired?!?! I'm exhausted!! How can he not want to sleep??? 😩😩😩😩 it's been getting worse lately. He wakes up every 2 hours all night no matter what I do! And sometimes to make him sleep I have to walk him around the room.
I don't know what to do! It's always just me trying to put him to sleep my SO works in the AM so I try to let him sleep but sometimes I feel like I'm going to go crazy!!