Can anyone give me some advice about work?

Natasha • 21, A happy wife, and a proud mommy to Josiah! Life is sweet, and I always try to stay positive! 🌞

So, I work in retail.. and I do a lot of closing shifts (which doesn't bother me) BUT.. I have a co-worker who is now a manager. I can stay till i'm scheduled (which is 9:30) , but because he is sooooo slow (takes him a hour just to count money) I end up being home at 10:30.. I ask to leave my my appropriate time, and he doesn't let me. This bothers me because being pregnant in my 2nd trimester, I get more sleepy! Which is bad for me when it comes to driving at night (and I have almost slept behind a wheel before) . And I still get sick if I don't eat at a appropriate time. So today, I'm thinking of talking to the store manager about me leaving when I'm suppose to leave...

Am I wrong for wanting to leave when my shift ends? Can managers have the right to even make you stay later than what you are suppose to??