Got Caught Last Night!!

So! What a night!!! My boyfriend worked all day yesterday and then had his volunteer firefighter class after that. So we basically did not see each other all day long. Well, he got home at like 11:30pm last night. I was already in bed. So we lay there for a while and then he gets on top of me. (The thing is, he and I, and my brother and his girlfriend, and my niece, were all staying at my mom's last night).
Now, one thing to understand about him is that when he was younger and dating, he was always forced into sex. So any oral he performs on me is usually because I have to prepare him like two days ahead that I want it so that he can mentally prepare for it. Where as, I can't get his dick out of my mouth. I love it. So when he got on top of me last night, I was pleasantly surprised and all for it! He has never done it spontaneously like this before. I was so excited!!
So he is going to town. Its awesome. I have to struggle to keep quiet. (My brother, his girlfriend, my mom, they're all just a room away). But should all be asleep. Or so I thought. So he's going to town, I'm feeling great, and then the door opens. To get to the bathroom, you have to go through mine and Chris's room. I try to push him off of me and close my legs. He says I punched him. That may or may not have also happened haha. My brother comes walking in, going to the bathroom, and obviously sees what we're doing and then just keeps going, and I saw him smile. (Cause he had been caught with his girlfriend by my mother! So mine wasn't that bad).
Chris and I laugh, I think its hilarious. I still do :) so after my brother leaves, I decide to return the favor and start sucking him. For like two seconds. Because I'm in underwear, and I feel something prickling my butt!!! I jump up and jump on top of Chris. He's starts freaking out, asking me whats wrong. I was like something bit my butt! Something was on me! I was almost falling off the bed, about to take him with me, and I threw the blanket back and there was a cockroach in my freakin bed! (I live in the country, in the boondocks).  Chris swatted it off really hard and I heard it hit somewhere. Idk if it was just cause we were already turned on but it was kinda hot. He protected my butt 😍 hahaha
So needless to say, neither of us finished last night but it makes a great story :)