can sex make your period come earlier?

I had sex on friday and i'm not new to it and have only had sex with one guy for the past 4 years; however after friday i kept getting a brownish discharge on saturday, sunday came and it was more red but not enough to fill a liner & thats basically how it was monday, and today (tuesday) i just ran to the restroom and it seems as if i have a light period?? Red with like clumps however i've had clumps of brown/red since friday... little to no pain and my period should actually be around april 20th... while having sex, we hadn't done it in awhile(a little over a month) & he went in pretty dry so it hurt a lot. (TMI) & we only did it for about 5 min and gave up as we were too tired. Can someone please please help me?? I've also been really stressed this past week and on friday-today i've been super emotional