early labour or not??

Last night I stared with a lower back pain it felt like a dull period pain but it was in the lower part of my back. I've had this before but it's never been as bad as it was last night it woke me up in bed and was that bad I had to take 2 paracetamol to ease the pain. I also had a pain that felt like it was in my uterus like it was contracting was a but uncomfortable but nothing too bad. Went to see midwife today for routine appointment (I will be 38 weeks tomorrow) and she said it sounds like it could be the start of early labour I have also been loosing creamy discharge for the last few weeks or so but I'm lead to believe that it's just 'normal' for 3rd trimester? Don't think it was my mucous plug but it's really thick and gooy snot like in texture. 
Has  anyone had or experienced this before ? Does this sound accurate? Our 
Due date is 26/4. Does this sound accurate? FTM and not really sure what's going on down there 
Thanks in advance xxxx