temps & OPK

Mandi • I`m 28 & married to the love of my life. Currently pregnant w/ my 🌈👶🏻. Angel baby 10/16/16 👼🏻 WE ARE HAVING A BOY! 1/1/18 💙
I got a low reading on CD 12, high on CD 13, and peak on CD 14. I'm normally good at temping but we went out this weekend and I overslept/forgot to temp a few days and now I'm obsessing over it. I'm upset I missed it bc now I won't clearly see a temp shift to determine O. I wasn't expecting it so soon, I've been ovulating around CD 16 so I totally messed up my chart this month. CBAD is 99% accurate so I should trust it but I like seeing my bbt chart! Gr! We have BD everyday during my fertile window so now begins the wait...