what do you all think?

Kerry A
Hi guys
Wanted people's opinions. Do you think you have a higher chance of getting pregnant from doing bbt, opk, app's etc etc or just see what happens? 
I only ask as I'm finding it all so stressful, stressed if I forget to take my temp, stress over whether I'll get a positive opk, stress for 2 weeks waiting, stress if my partner doesn't want to bd on the green days. It's kinda taken the fun out of it. There's no surprise element anymore. Does the stress of doing it all lower your chances??? Everyone I know that have had kids never done opk or charting. I'm on month 8 of ttc and it's starting to really get me down. Not sure if it's because of all the effort I put in and still no baby or it's just not my time yet. 
Would love to hear your opinions. Thanks