Not being there during birth

I'm honestly thinking about having my idk what to call him now not being there during the delivery of our daughter.

1. He's putting me out on my butt with no money or place to go 1 month before I'm due

2. All of a sudden changed plans on raising her together in one house

3. Hasn't put a penny towards buying her anything I buy her everything with no job and he makes 1,400 - 2,400 a week or in 3 days!

4. Says whatever happens to me isn't his problem, and if I eat it isn't his problem

5. Insisted I didn't work

6. Told me to get an abortion in the first 3 months of pregnancy but won't let me put her up for an open adoption if things look bad financially wise

I don't want to be a typical bitter mom so tell me would I be wrong to not have him there during delivery even though he wants to be?

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