Introduction Post

Hello! I'm really excited to post in here. I've been stalking it for a few days not really ready to say anything. Here's my family and my story. 
My husband and I have been together for 12 years this May and married 7 this last January. We were married a year l, bought a house, and started trying for a baby almost right after our first year of marriage. I was so anxious as I was already 28 years old and felt time ticking. Thankfully I was pregnant within 4 short months. I would later learn that even though I felt like it took forever, it truly wasn't that long. 
I was very sick the whole first trimester but so grateful. Then August 6th via c-section after 34 hours on pitocin and exhausted from labor my baby girl was born! 
We loved her instantly! I felt content and happy. Fast forward a year and a half after she was born we decided to try again! This time four months came and went! Then it turned into a year, and another year. We decided we would get some testing done. Feeling crushed we really didn't have anything "wrong." Dodging comments of "when's the next one?" Or "doesn't she need a sibling," was like throwing salt in the wounds. My husband had a surgery in hopes it would help and we decided to put all our energy and focus into our sweet girl. 
Then my daughter turned 4 last August and it was a little over the 2 year mark of trying. I felt defeated and empty. We decided to keep trying and seeing specialists, getting blood tests, hsg tests, the whole thing. Again nothing really wrong. Our last push was to try <a href="">IUI</a> so we did. And to my great surprise 
There it was after three long years of waiting. So here I am, anxiously waiting with all of you. I believe in God and I believe that this baby is yet another miracle. Our chances were less then 5% due to very low sperm count but I prayed and had hope. I'm scared like a lot of you but trying to stay focused on the positive! Blessings to all of you ❤