Just ordered my meds! IUI #1

Kasey • Lost my first angel - 8/22/18 10w
I just order my meds for my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> with injectables! I am so excited to get started. I am doing follistim and ovidel. I didn't respond to clomid at all so I am nervous and excited to finally ovulate! Plus I feel like I made out like a bandit! My meds were a total of $187! I am getting 2-900 iu of follistim, 1 ovidel and 20 progrestrone capsules. My 2 900 follistims were only $100 total! I was so worried about the price of my meds but am so excited and just needed to share since I'm not open with fb about my ttc journey! Hopefully after 4.5 years I can finally ovulate!