how to control a Whinny baby?

My baby boy is 2 months old (looks like 5 months because he's such a huge baby) and I can already tell he has a serious personality. He hardly smiles at all, he just observes, and whines all day. I sort of ran out of ideas in how to keep him content and it breaks my heart. I feel like a dummy when I talk to him. Don't get me wrong I love my boy to death. I know he's still young after all he's still a baby. But when it comes to other 2 month olds I've met, they are smiley and giggley already. Even my 6 year old daughter hugs him and tries to play with him and he just whines. He's a breastfed baby so idk if I can say he's colic baby. I know it may sound like I'm overacting or silly but I feel like a failure?