Vasectomy push back

The deal was 2 kids and done, then somebody gets snipped. Me, if I had a second c-section, him if I didn't. Well I delivered our 2nd child vaginally and she is now 3 months old. It's time to start thinking about getting him snipped. But wait, he's freaking out about it and says he's afraid of being cut and having a needle stuck in his scrotum not to mention the recovery. I love my husband but, Omg wrong person to expect sympathy from. I personally grew and housed 2 babies. Then went through labor twice, the first time ending in an unexpected cesarean. Not to mention enduring all the other lovely things that come with bearing children both physically and mentally. So, excuse me if I call BS on you not holding up his end of the deal. Anyone else have issues with their husband getting a vasectomy?