Changing [cloth] diapers at night


Hi all, I am a FTM who has been cloth diapering my four month old since Day 1. I want to hear about what other mommies who are and are not cloth diapering do throughout the night because my little guy soaks thru his diaper and leaks on to the bed almost every night. My LO has started to be able to sleep longer and longer, sometimes he'll even just dream feed from the breast (we share our bed with him) and then sleep until morning without complaining for a diaper change or a bottle (we supplement with pumped milk/formula bc I have low supply). I love that because that means more sleep for everyone! But I also know that will mean a very, very, VERY wet diaper come morning... 😓

Recently we were traveling and using disposables, and my LO slept through the night and didn't leak!! I suggested to hubby that maybe we continue using disposables at night so we can sleep thru night without having to wake him and us up with changing. He said he doesn't want LO in urine-soaked diaper all night. I get that, but I also know many mom's on here will wait until morning.

How would you all recommend I reconcile this? I know there are heavier cloth diapers out there... Is baby more likely to get a rash sleeping in a pee-filled disposable? Could LO be forming bad sleep habits if we continue to wake him to change diaper at night?

**Maybe part of the reason why hubby doesn't mind changing at night is because all he has to do is change diaper and then go back to bed, while I have to feed baby and get him back to sleeping and then pump... If I can dream BF then I'm basically killing three birds with one stone!! 🙌