So Frustrated

Lovemylife • Mom to two awesome girls. 1 MC. Had my rainbow baby boy 6/5/2017!!!! So in love 😍
When did driving become so selfish and careless? There's just ignorance everywhere. Like drivers feel so safe behind their buckets of steel screw everyone else or the false reality of I have insurance. Idk. Just frustrated me that everyone drives for themselves with no regard for anyone. If you want to disregard your life go for it but when you disregard mine, my unborn child's, husbands, and kids we will have problems. I spent Sunday night squatting 8 months pregnant administering first aid on a lady bc some dumbass decided to run a red light. Horrible accident. But since then all I have seen is people running red lights and cops doing nothing. A 20 yr old ran a red light today n the whole time she was staring at her cell phone when I honked bc she almost hit me she gave me the finger. Sad world we live in today. Too much ignorance and disregard and false safety. I was raised that a vehicle is a weapon as you can seriously hurt someone or worse in an accident but today nobody cares. Accidents r a means of money and road rage is the way of life. Sry this has nothing to do with anything but it's how I feel today.