Family thinks I'm gonna be a serial killer...

My mom, sister, and grandmother always tell me they thought I was gonna be a serial killer when I grew up because I enjoy killing bugs sometimes. I also ACCIDENTLY killed a kitten and a baby bunny when I was young. I got to rough with the kitten when loving on it and playing with it and ended up killing it. And the baby bunny died because I jumped on the trampoline with it. I was only like 5-6 when both of them happened. I was horrified when they died because I didn't mean to. I still enjoy killing bugs for some reason. But it's like grasshoppers and super worms and crickets that I feed to my lizard. I cried when I accidently hit a pigeon and bunny with my car. I cried when I almost hit a doe. They still tell me how shocked they are that I'm not a murderer. I've told them time after time that I don't think it's funny and it hurts my feelings, but they don't stop. 💔😞