Do I need to take Plan B?


Help! My guy became waaay too excited while we were messing around. While we were grinding up against each other, he suddenly pulled my panties down and almost got his penis inside me. I already know that the tip of his penis has pre-ejaculate before he did that, so I'm worried that some sperm may have gotten into me. I felt the tip reach my vulva, but not inside.

I also have only gotten off my period 2 days before this happened. But, by now, I have already read about so many ladies getting pregnant because of early ovulation. I am also a virgin, but my OB-Gyn said that my hymen is gone. Idk if that helps. But, I AM FREAKING OUT.

I'm kind of scared to take the plan B because of the possible side-effects I've read. So, I am hoping I won't have to.

Please help! 😭