They're both just as bad to say.

Kimberly🚮🚮😘 • Momma to Orion, Taurus, opinionated (sorry)

I realized after reading a post earlier, which is now deleted, that many people think it is acceptable to tell a thin woman to eat a burger or she's too skinny, but it's highly disrespectful to tell a bigger woman to eat a salad or her weight is not healthy.

The thing is, they're both just as bad to say. I've experienced both of these being said to me and they're both just as mean and makes me want to punch you in the face.

Stop judging someone's weight just because you think it's unhealthy. It's not your body. Not your place to tell them anything, unless they ask for your opinion. So stop. Just because someone is thin doesn't mean you can body shame them.