How do ask for more sex?


Ok... So I've always been a shy person when it comes to feelings. I can talk to a stranger about anything, but when it comes to talking to someone I care about, I have trouble expressing opinions that I think they may react bad to. I've been working on that a lot lately though.

I've been with my boyfriend for just over a year now. He moved in 2 months ago. This is the healthiest relationship I've ever been in and I really feel like he's "the one". We have always been honest and open with each other, right from the start. Every time we have a conversation where I'm afraid of upsetting him or scaring him off, he has always listened with an open mind and made me feel comfortable expressing myself. I feel like I can tell him anything without fear of judgment.

Since he moved in, I feel like we've been having less and less sex. He is still 100% affectionate and loving in other ways though! He is a bit of a gamer, so he spends a lot of time on his Xbox. Many nights I go to bed before he does because he wants to play "just one more game". I didn't mind this at all at first, but now that I'm starting to feel disconnected in our physical relationship, I can't help but think that this is adding to the problem.

When I'm in the mood, I let him know throught touch... I can't do that if he's on the xbox. I've always been uncomfortable being blunt and just saying "I want sex now, please"...

I know that if I bring it up, he will be understanding and we will have an adult conversation about it... I'm just struggling with the words. How do I bring this up?