
Betsy • A stepmom to an 8 year old. Love my family. TTC!!!
Hey guys. I just wanted to let some feelings out. I'm trying to be strong for my husband. Last night I went through a miscarriage. It's my second. This morning I woke up hoeing it was a dream. But me in my desperate state I looked through the bathroom trash can and saw it was real. It wasn't so bloody. But today is when the blood started. I guess it just reassured me how real it was. Last year after my first miscarriage I went into depression and following that was the death of 2 family members on both my side and his. It never really went away but it's now more prominent then ever. The emptiness. I didn't even know I was pregnant. I could've been a mommy. That all that goes through my head. I'm not sure how to get through this. I don't want to worry my husband because he shared his concerns with me after we found out. I have taken the steps to get a fertility check to see if it's something with my body or if I'm just doing things wrong. I'll give you guys updates.