what the doctor said about late periods

So basically I got my period when I was 10 and right now I'm 15 and a half , when I got my period, Since day one has been irregular. I used to get My period once every like 3-4 months and it was affect me emotionally ( as much as we hate periods, we need to let them out). Any way I told my doctor about it and she prescribed me provera. She gave me 10 pills and told me to take one every day and within these 10 days I will get my period and once I get them I'll start my birth control. Im a little bit scared though because she said I'm really irregular, she said the pills will correct my menstruation and if I one day want to get off them to have a baby it will either be easy or I have to go to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a> (which I am a little bummed about because I really want a kid). I'm also scared because she said within these 10 days I'm getting provera I can randomly get my period and I'm so scared I'll randomly start bleeding out of nowhere (since I'm mostly hanging out with guys) any way this is my story and I'd love to hear anyone who went through the same expirence as me!