first miscarriage😢

It feels like it is taking forever for me to feel "normal" again. On March 14 I went in for my thirteen week check up and I was told I had a bligted ovum. I had a complete miscarriage two days later on the 16. I ended up in going to the ER due to feeling very faint and massive pain. They took the rest of the tissue out to speed up the process and told me my cervix was closed. I went to my doctor that next Wednesday to ensure everything was ok. I was told my cervix was still closed and that I should only have faint bleeding. I waited a little while to take a pregnancy test to see if my levels were gone and on the 4th of April I took one that came back clearly negative. I have been having cramps only at night for the past two days and I feel like my period is never going to come back. How long did you guys have to wait until you got your period?Â