
I'm 18 and I've known this guy since I was 16 and we both go to the same university (College). He told me he isn't ready for a relationship ( like most uni/college guys) which I was ok with because neither am I. Even though we go to the same university we study at different campuses which are hour apart, he asked me to come and 'chill' with him and I said why don't we go out to eat instead? (To prevent sex) and he said he's not really into going out BUT then a couple days later I saw him out with another female on HIS Snapchat and I confronted him about it and he said 'it was only once it doesn't mean anything' which did kind of upset me 😭and I do admit I kinda like him. Recently he told me that is really attracted to me and he wants to have sex and tbh I want to have sex with him too but I'm worried I'll catch feelings for him which I don't want because I know he's not serious but I know I'll just fall into temptation so do you think it's a good idea going to see him at his dorm or should I just cut him off ?