Medically castrating handicapped.


Possible trigger.

Now, before you jump the title, let me explain.

I work for a home with males 19-24 years old. All are mentally, or physically handicapped.

There is one client with the mentality of a 4 year old, the sex drive of a 14 year old watching 50 shades of gray, and the strength of a bull.

Now, this client, because of his mentality, is attracted to little girls. 4-12 in fact.

He has made numerous efforts to grab, grope, fondle, and be way too sexual with those girls, which staff have to physically block him to avoid him being inappropriate, which will lead to a melt down of his, (kicking, biting, hitting, screaming, cursing, grabbing the girls and holding them to him, dropping to the ground, pulling out his penis, attacking himself,).

Our center is considering medically castrating him. As in, adding medication to remove his sex drive, or a surgery since he isn't the best at taking his medications.

His mother is all for it. But, he is considered an adult and able to make his own medical decisions about his health (his medications have not changed since he was 18, when his mother was making decisions for him). He doesn't care, one way or another, but since he won't understand the full ramifications of this choice, we cannot continue one way or another until a little girl files assault charges, which staff do everything to prevent.

He is aware how to have sex. He is interested in doing so if he gets an opportunity, he masterbates multiple times a day waiting for the neighbors grandchildren to visit, (not indecent exposure, we've had his windows tinted to avoid that.) He has laid down on top of a younger looking female staff member and attempted to remove her clothing. We cannot give him only male staff, he gets too agitated with extra testosterone. And we cannot tell him not to masturbate, he has rights. Just like we cannot confine him to the house.

Now, seeing how there are multiple men in this house, and only the same number of staff, if one client has a melt down, it's no longer one on one, but sometimes 2 or three on one, leaving 2 or three clients unattended. Giving them prime opportunity to try something while we attempt to stop a client from hurting themselves or others.

*****I will be posting this anonymously and changing my profile picture before responding to any questions, I don't want to violate his right to privacy in anyway, (which I have not, according to our guidelines,).*****

I am here to ask, is there a point where the government needs to step in to protect others? Would you want someone to step in and castrate him? Would you feel as though his rights are being infringed apon?