SPD and Diastasis Recti and SI Joint Dysfunction

I'm 31 weeks, I finally got my DR to approve P.T. at 28 weeks and got to see my physical therapist at 30 weeks. Now I wait for it to be approved by insurance to see her again. When I went in for my evaluation, I got some answers to why there is so much pain just always right in the middle of my body...Other than my pelvic area, I literally feel great. My first pregnancy absolutely no issues but I gained almost 50 lbs. This time 3 years later..I have only gained 15 lbs, my muscles are split, my pelvic is split and my SI joint is out. I know there is basically nothing I can do until labor to fix this...but that's what I'm worried about. I had a natural labor with my son. I had read how SPD and diastasis recti can make labor harder. I thought about epidural, then I read that's not a good idea with SPD. I'm worried about having to have a c-section cause of all these stinking issues...anyone have to deal with this in past pregnancies/labor?