We had our first RE appointment today


So my husband and I had our first appointment with our reproductive endocrinologist. I loved him! He was very thorough and made us very comfortable. We've been trying for about a year. I have been diagnosed with PCOS and through the past year, I only ovulated once. My husband had a really bad sperm test with only 15% motility.

So we meet with the RE, everything goes great. Ive already done two rounds of blood work and an internal ultrasound for my pcos workup, I've been on metformin since November, three rounds of provera, one round of clomid, and two more blood tests next week to see if ovulated. I left with orders for another round of provera if I didn't ovulate from the Clomid. When my period starts, I have to go in for more blood work and another internal ultrasound. On cd10 I have to go back up for more blood work followed by an HSG, and the following day a sonohysterogram with uterine biopsy.

Do you know what my husband has to do? He has to jerk off in a cup again.

Infertility is GROSSLY UNFAIR. I wish I was born a man lmaooo. I'm not complaining, I will do anything I have to do to conceive our child. I'm terrified of the hsg and the sonohsg with biopsy...and I keep telling myself it can't be worse than actually giving birth.

But dang. I'm doing all these super uncomfortable invasive tests and he just has to masturbate. NOT FAIR.