I feel helpless

I delivered my girl last Saturday. She was born 8 pounds 2.5oz. She ended up losing 12% of her body weight and having jaundice. They kept us in the hospital an extra day for her to be placed under the lights for her jaundice. By the time we left the hospital she gained 6% of her weight back. The next day we had her first pediatrician appt. She weighed 7 pounds 11oz. They wanted to bring us back today for another weight check. Today she weighs 7 pounds 7.5oz. So their concerned she's losing weight. She's not even a week old. She feeds on demand or every 2-3 sometimes(if we push it) 4 hours. She pees and poops constantly. She eats anywhere from 1-3oz a feeding. The dr is making us feed her 3.5oz and if she spits up then cut back... nothing like making you feel like a bad parent 😭