I wanna hear the stories of how all you girls met, started talking to, and started dating (and maybe even first kiss or first time😉) happened with you significant other! I love talking about my story with my boyfriend, and I want to hear yours! 
My boyfriends and I have been dating him for 10 months now, I'm crazy in love with him! I was moping around post breakup, (with the biggest asshole in the world may I add) it had been about 2 months, and though I was over him, I was left feeling unwanted and I was very mopey. My friend forced me to come out to eat with her and some other friends, she also invited her cousins, and some of their friends (one of which happened to be best friends with her ex, but that's a whole different story) she quickly introduced us all to each other and we made eye contact for just a moment, but I was quickly infatuated with him. I thought he was the most handsome guy I've ever seen. I made sure to sit right across from him. On one side of the table we're all the girls (my friends) and on the other we're all the guys, none of which I knew. Not in a creepy way or anything, I just thought, any guy that hot, has to be an ass hole. But I stand corrected! Anyways, he sounded pretty nice. But I couldn't figure out much. The next day in school my friend busted in to class and asked me if I had a good time. I told her that I thought the guy sitting across from me was so hot! But not to tell him! By third period, she admitted that she told him. I was super nervous, because he was hot! And I didn't feel like I compared, and what if he was mean? What if he saw my picture and laughed? She told me that he said he was thinking of texting me. Three days later, I got a text from him, and we talked non stop for that whole week. Then we hug out with our mutual friend along, and I was so nervous I barely said a word! The same thing happened about 2 days later. Then he said hat we should try hanging out alone and we'd have an earlier time talking. Which we did. We saw a movie, and then sat in a McDonalds for 2 hours, drinking sodas. And we just talked, about everything, about ourselves, and our stories, and what makes us who we are today. I fell for that boy that day. He walked me to my car after that, and he leaned over and kissed me. That day turned in to staying up all night on the phone 3 nights a week, and falling in love with each other. We started dating just a little under a month after we met. He's my best friend and we've been inseparable for the past 11 months. I love him so much.Â