Ok to answer the phone for a friend in the middle of sex?

A few weeks ago my boyfriend and i was in the middle of sex. His phone RINGS (even tho away from me he has it on vibrate) he rolls over to answer it. Tells me he thought it was a male friend I didn't like "I was supposed to call him when I got here" said instead it was his dad. He rejects the call and even tho I didn't want to I allow him to finish then he falls asleep. I wanted to cry all night because of it. I got into his phone to check the numbers and texts he had saved (didn't think to check recent calls) and found another girls number in his phone. He says "I sold pot to her once, didn't think I would have to tell you everything." Asked him why he was buying pot just to sell it if hes not smoking it (aaked him to quit to get a job since I'm pregnant and have been borderline high risk) his reaction "It's my money and I can do what I want with it."

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