how do I talk to the guy I'm dating about spending more time together?

He and I were together for two years, then we split up and went back and forth for a few months. A few months after we thought we had separated for good, he reached out to me and long story short we are dating again and it's going really well. The time we dated was during high school and hi dad didn't approve of him being in a relationship so I only got to see him while he was at his moms house. Now while we are starting to date again I'm so happy an it's going really well, but he still spends about the same amount of time with me. Do you think it's even something I should be upset about that he intends to spend so little time with me? Or should I just let it be since we are just starting out? We are just starting out, and I want to address it gently and I tend to be kind of sharp. How would you approach this if it were you?