hilarious sex story

Just wanted to share a really funny experience that happened to me today. Long story short I typically have a hard time cumming with my fwb, it just takes a lot for me to relax. And today after having sex before round 2 he was fingering / rubbing me, and I was just about to cum for a solid 2 minutes, but it just wouldn't happen. And then all the sudden I literally broke down and started hysterical laughing. I had no control, I was laughing so hard I was crying. I literally felt as if I left my body. I've never laughed so hard. I had no control over it. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe, yet was saying "don't stop" while laughing. He had no idea what was going on, me laughing made him laugh. And we were both crying laughing, and I had the best orgasm of my life 😂😭😂😂😂 I literally felt like I left my body and came back to earth. Guess it's kinda a "had to be there" kinda thing. But even thinking about it makes me laugh. May I add it was really creepy lauging. Like HA-HA-HAAAAAAAA DONT STOP HA HA HAAAA" 😭 ok sorry u prob didn't even find this funny sorry I'm crazy bye