Upset and Feeling Alone

So I know this is kind of strange.. but I really really need someone to talk to. My boyfriend and I of 4 years just broke up a week ago and I'm really upset. He's been toying with my emotions since last week by bouncing between getting back together and him not wanting to. It's been really hard for me. Today my family is "tired of my negativity". They're tired of a frown being on my face and of me being sad. So now they're yelling at me to move on. And I'm trying but it's hard. They try to force hug me. Im not in the mood for a hug right now, I just need some space so my sister tried to hug me against my will and I told her to stop and to give me space and I even got yelled at for that. In fact, they called me a bitch for wanting my space and rejecting her help. They've completely given up on me and I feel so alone. I know this is a really long post, but I just needed to vent.