First Fertility Appointment

Hey all. Just joined this group. A little background. I am 36,my husband is 31. I had a child with my first ex husband that passed away at 6 weeks. I've been trying for 17 years now. July 4th of 2015,my current husband and I suffered a miscarriage at 18 weeks. It was my 3rd. I'm becoming increasingly discouraged. Especially since I am the last of my friends, out of all age groups, to have a child. My husband is a veteran and all he's ever wanted his entire life is his own family. I know he would never leave me if I couldn't have children, but I feel like he could do better with someone who could give him what he wants. I finally got in with a good OB who finally, after years of begging my old OB, has gotten me into a fertility specialist. My first appointment is May 11th. I'm pretty excited and nervous all at the same time. I know women are conceiving later and later in luff but I just don't know. I have hypothyroidism, MS,lupus, Vascular Ehlers Danlos and fibro. When I was pregnant the last time they didn't even have me seeing a high risk specialist. Idk why I even just spilled my guts here but here it is lol.