so I know this is meant to be about lady parts and periods..

I have this health issue we're no matter how much I try I can't gain weight I just lose it, I eat so much but nothing happens.. there is times where I'll gain 2 kg but i three days it's gone again(and I only poo like once a week so it's not coming out either). I am super insecure about my weight and I hate the way I look my boyfriend tells me I'm beautiful they way I am and that he loves me no matter what but I still feel as though I'm not enough for him in every way.. there is nights were I look in the mirror naked I look at myself and how I look and I just cry.. I wasn't always 39kg I use to love myself the way I was I had a great hour glass figure with the right amount of boobs and ass. I don't know how I got this way but I hate it...