TTC stress


Alright ladies, I need your help. This conceiving thing has stressed me out so much that I just deleted Glow (only to install it again. Lol). I love the community as talking to the hubby is just not the same as talking to you ladies. (Hubby us super supportive just.... not as understanding due to not having a vagina).

My life literally has started to be consumed by this. I put a lot of pressure on myself. I suffer from depression so the moment it's clear that I'm not pregnant, depression sinks in and I'm a wreck. I'll be going on month 4 and I'm already afraid there's something wrong with me. (I feel for you ladies that have been doing this longer. I realize that 4 months is nothing but I can't help feeling discouraged).

My job is stressful too so I'm starting to wonder if stress is affecting me from conceiving.

What do you do to keep your mind off of TTC? I think I'm going to start doing yoga. Maybe some DIY projects. Lay it on me. Tell me what you do.