Going out

I am a ftm of a 5 and a half week old. We haven't been out much, just to a friends house and doctors appointment but all outings have been a bit of a mess. I always question if I should try to feed him right before we leave even if he just ate like an hour ago or wait? I feel like our appointments always time up to be his feeding time or during the drive he will want to eat.(I feed on demand) I am just trying to figure out how to juggle scheduling feeding. We plan to go to church on Sunday for Easter and I am having anxiety over planning for it. I am breastfeeding but I also pump and give 1 or 2 bottles each day. My little one has reflux and our breastfeeding sessions are less than smooth(a lot of spit up and fussing) So I am not comfortable with my pic breastfeeding. Any tips?