Earliest positive on a test?

Beginning of March, I got out of a emotionally/ verbally abusive relationship. During my ovulation time at the beginning of this month, April, I slept with a guy I've known and have ALWAYS loved for seven years; anyway, we had a slight mishap and that was on April 4. Since then.. I've been off. Nausea, cramping, bloating, you name it, I've had it. When I pregnant with my son in 2015, I didn't have any symptoms and I texted the day AF was due and it came out a light positive. Supposedly I'm 3 weeks pregnant (if I am) and I've tested the past few days on those ¢.88 tests and got back all negatives. When I went through my pictures of my pregnancy tests of my son two years ago, those said negative even when free response/ clear blue all said positive, so now I'm thinking that I should probably buy a different kind. Now, I'm kind of hoping I'm not pregnant with his baby because of how things are going, noting in a bad way, I'm just trying to get my head above water. But the other half of me is hoping I'm pregnant because as I've said, this man has always been my soulmate and he love of my life. But getting out of that last relationship, I feel extremely alone, half almost depressed. This is me just venting for a minute. I'm just extremely overwhelmed.