Issues with our neighbors

So, we have lived here for 4 years now. In that time we stayed pretty sheltered. Last year we decided to start branching out. Hubby met some people through work. The one couple we had a friendship with went away when they moved to Arizona.

So i had made friends with a mom neighbor, and her man. Hubby started talking to the partner and seemed to like him. We talk when we see each other, even got to have a couples game night a month or so back (kids were playing in the bedroom). Well i am a stay at home for the most part. Eveyone else works. The mom has had me watch their one year old here and there, and also watch her older children after school until partner got home from work. No big deal.

Her man has had some trouble with outstanding child support for other kids he has, as well as missing court dates and such. I have seen the stress it causes her whenever something happens with that. I have brothers and they have dealt with the same thing.

So fast forward until Wednesday of this past week. He had came over in the early evening, knocked on the door, and asked fron the porch, if i could run his court costs and fine money to a neighboring city the next day. He had to work, and said she wouldn't do it. I thought she wouldn't do it because she had to work and would be pressed for time. I had erands to do the next day anyways, so i told him sure. I told him to seal it in an envelope with the information needed on it and i would drop it off. Again, i have seen the outcome when things like that aren't paid, and i thought i would help. I told my husband about it that night, he agreed it would help them out.

So the next day i run it where it has to go. Get a receipt. Leave the receipt folded up with my husband because i had to work a few hours that night. No problem, right? I guess i was wrong.

He picks up the receipt and all that. I get home later and he comes over to talk to me, in front of hubby (who he had spoke with earlier.) Turns out Mom friend, was not happy that i brought his payment in. According to him, she accused him of going to see me, "his girlfriend" when he went to grab the receipt. He tells me and hubby that she is accusing me and him of having a relationship, and that he is cheating on her with me! I was not okay with this. He tells me how he talked to another neighbor friend and they both think she is the one cheating and that is why she is accusing him. Hubby says it could be, after the partner says she had did it before to him. I tell him i have no idea. He then says he told her that i would want to talk to her and straighten this out.

I try to see if she had time to talk that night, she acted like all was fine, but she was going to hang out with her mom. Ok. Next day she and he ignore me completelty. Not normal. But i let it be. I text her and ask if she had time to talk. She said she had to work that day, i had to work that afternoon. I ended up texting her trying to straighten it out that evening. I explain how it hurt me to hear that she thought i did that, how i am faithful to my husband and always have been. She talks about how we were sneaky and all that. I tell her how i did not like that she did not have the balls to ask me about this herself. I know, not nice, but she is saying this to her man, her mom, and a few neighbors. We text back and forth, she says that hubby and i are the ones that said she was cheating (not entirely true) and that she thinks its messed up i did not check with her about bringing his payment in. She then says that she heard we gave him the money for it. Not true at all. I tell he how i thought i was helping because i thought she was working and knew she did not like him taking time off. Did not matter at all to her. She accused me of being flirty. I pointed out that after 10 years of working in hospitality with people (stores, resturants, ect) that i call everyone hunny, babe, or sweatheart, no matter who it was. And point out that i act the same to her man as i do to the rest of the neighbors, including the females and her as well. I am just really friendly when i talk to people, even cashiers or people in line. She also tells me that hubby told her she shouldnxt come home because i was going to punch her in the face! Where the fuck did thay come from? I never threaten physical violence, nor have i hit anyone ever.

Anyways. I have heard nothing since Thursday night when we were texting.

Today, my birthday, she decides to text and say that her man wants to straighten things out with me, because he claims i am not being truthful about everything. The only thing that was not "truthfull" was me not bringing up how he said he talked to the other neighbor and they started the whole thing about her cheating. I told her why did it matter since they wanted nothing to do with us. She said he wanted to straighten it out. I told her if he wanted to, then my husband would have to be presant since her man talked to us together, and sometimes him first. That way i have a witness.

All i keep thinking is what the hell did i do. It seems that one or both are lying about a lot of what is going on. He tells us one thing, then she says he told her something else, amd then denies half of what he told us. Honestly, hubby and i are giving up in having "couple" friends, and will just stick to the people we see once a year.

Any idea what to do?