not feeling close to him

My husband and I are going on 10 years together. We started dating at 15 and 16 and just got married 3 years ago this July. Since our wedding we've been pregnant 4 times. First time was a ruptured ectopic which I lost my right tube, 2nd was with our 16 month old daughter, 3rd was a miscarriage when my daughter was 9 months and now I am 15 weeks pregnant. Recently I'm feeling like he doesn't love me anymore or we have lost our connection. We've tried date nights but every time we line up a sitter they end up falling through for some reason so it's been months since we've had a night alone. Also with being 15 weeks pregnant I've been very sick and have zero sex drive. I'm worried with another baby in the mix we are going to completely loose each other and it's made me not feel to connected to this pregnancy even though we were trying. Please no hateful comments it's just the way I feel. Any ideas on how to get our connection back??