Kayleigh • Triplets due 7/5/17 👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽

I am curious to know certain information to kind of prepare myself for my mono/di triplets(twin boys and a girl!)

1. How far along were you when you delivered your 3 blessings? 

2. Why did you deliver at that time? (example: no cervix, broke water, etc)

3. Where you on bedrest before delivering? (home bedrest, hospital, moderate bedrest, etc) When did you go on bedrest? For how long? Why?

4.How much did they weight at birth time? 

5. How long did they stay in the NICU if any? 

6.How much did they weight when they were sent home? 

7.Where they on any medication / medical equipment when they were sent home?

8. Did any of your blessings have any medical complications at birth? Now?

I am sorry if I am asking so many questions. I am cluless and as I near that time I would like to mentally prepare if I can. I thank you for helping me out!

Many blessings!!