is this anxiety worth getting help for?

I was always a somewhat laid back person. I'm 21 and I've been on ADHD medication since I was in middle school, but I always had a good grip on my emotions and behavior. Recently however, (in January) my parents announced they are getting a divorce and I'm worried that how I'm reacting isn't 100% normal. I was upset but still ok at first, but as it gets more and more real and my mom is moving out and secretly meeting up with other men, I have been getting intense anxiety like I've never had before. 
I get instensely neurotic about weird things like being alone. I start to freak out if I'm alone in my apartment and I have to call and ask my boyfriend to come over or call one of my siblings or friends. I have panic attacks if I'm driving either by myself or with someone. I have this new fear of driving and I don't understand. The biggest thing was that every time the divorce comes up in conversation, my heart starts racing and I start sweating, then I have to end the conversation because I start to have a panic attack. It's not all an emotional response, like I don't FEEL sad, scared, or angry. It's purely a physical response and I've never experienced this before. It's very hard to explain but I hope someone might understand. Is this something I should talk to a doctor about, or is this normal for adult children of divorce? Will this get better with time? I need help, I'm a neurotic mess and I don't feel like myself anymore.