what is that smell?🤢😷

My vagina has smelled AWFUL for almost 3 months now. I've been to the doctor two separate times for it and have been prescribed multiple meds. Nothing is working. It's hard to describe but it just smells foul. 
I've tested negative for STDs (urine and swab), negative for BV, treated for yeast and its cleared up (literally live with a constant yeast infection tho). 
The doc has given me multiple antibiotics to kill infections that we don't even know are actually there. 
At my last visit she said if the yeast meds didn't work then she didn't know what was wrong. 
I wash with sensitive soap everyday. I wear breathable undies and clothes. I haven't changed my hygiene routine at all. 
HELP ME!! I am so self conscious about it. It's so bad that I can smell it throughout the day through my clothes. 😷😷