

My hubby is making me go to Sunday church tomorrow at 10am because as he puts it "we have to show our faces at church in order to Baptist our son"

Originally he and I said we didn't care if he got baptised because we aren't religious but for whatever reason he now really wants to do it.

I wake up early 5 days a week to go to work while he gets to stay in bed until 9am or so because he's a stay at home dad to our 4 month old. I only get to sleep in till 9am or so 2 days a week (Saturday and Sunday) and the rest of the week I'm lucky if I get 5hours of broken sleep.

I'm so irritated right now. I can't believe I have to get up at 7am on my day off to go "play nice" with a church that I have zero interest in just so that my son can get baptised.

I don't get why my husband is so adamant about getting this done. Ugh!!!