I seriously need help and i dont have friends that i trust enough with this info... When me and my boyfriend first started with our over night visits (keep in mind at the time it was a LDR) our sex life was perfect. I doubt either of us had any complaints. It was spontaneous sometimes and others we would playfully dare each other and i thought we were happy that way. Then 4 months ago we moved in together, our relationship as a whole i think is great, he treats me the best that anyone ever has and he even makes me kinda tearful at how he talks about me to his friends or even when we talk about us to each other, but our sex life is kind of a mess, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt and he thinks its his fault😭😭😭 and it makes me feel horrible, and sometimes he even says that im going to leave him because he thinks he doesnt please me, or that he's no good at sex. I feel horrible almost everytime that it makes me really upset that im crying under my breath after he falls asleep. As much as i tell him that sex is only a bonus to our relationship, i think that he really believes that, i love this man with every bit of my being but i have no idea how to make him see that sex is not as big of a deal as i think he makes it out to be. He always tells me that its not me that its him. I dont know if it was from past relationships that hes been in that made him to feel inadequate or that maybe he's just that insecure about himself. Its at the point though that i feel guilty for wanting to have sex with him when it doesnt work out. I have even tried to "show" him what i like but feels like he's not doing anything good enough for me. We probably attempt sex approx. 3 times a week though not always successful obviously. I dont know what to do. Help. Please.