Early Birthday!!!! Welcome to my Sammy


So long story short I've been having complications since about week 28 baby too small high blood pressure and umbilical cord restriction. So I was hospitalized to 3 days checking BP and for preclampsy. Everything went well, but the restriction in the flow had them worried so started twice a week. Monday went in for my check up nothing had changed. Thursday though the Placenta was starting to shut down, blood flow was reverse.

I'm not going home until baby born. C-section scheduled was April 19th. Thursday all is good Friday doppler showed no change but I could barely feel. Him moving. Then I was told they are going to do the ultrasound and they're like on we'll still do NST daily ....

So not feeling him move I called to have him put back on the Doppler... I started to have minor. Contractions but his heart rate dropped.

7:45 AM Saturday - Doctor comes in... Baby is coming.

8:45 AM - pee prepped and taken to operation prep area, whipped down disinfectant and epidural. Which I have to say that as terrified and overwhelmed the epidural wasn't so bad.

11:09 - Baby Sammy was born!!!

Midnight - out bed walked a but, pee bag was taken off and epidural is going bye bye after. Breakfast....

Sammy is eating fully matured, smiling just under Weight.

So this Easter is the one I'll never forget because as Jesus rose from grave my son "came to life"

I'm blessed and the love I feel for my son and for my God who made it possible just consumes me and I had share.

Have prayer for thanks for us if you don't find.