Abusive ex? help?

I get friends and people who know me telling me I'm hung on my ex and I need to get over him. I am over him I'm dating someone else (over two months after the break up) and I'm happy with him, but I'm not over what the ex did to me. I'm not sure how many of you will even class this as abusive but I'm going to tell you what he did, I've never opened up about this but I want to tell my current boyfriend and I'm scared about what he might say so I think this may help. Also if you can relate or help me to move past this then I'd appreciate it if you wrote a comment. 
I'm going to call him "Tony". I was dating Tony for about three months and it was possibly the worst three months ever. The relationship made me happy at first but then he showed his other personality and everytime he got annoyed at anything he took it out on me. He pushed me on a concrete floor when I asked if he was okay, he threw sticks and rocks at me, he bit my arm so it bled and bruised (explaination as to why is below) (just to clarify it wasn't a hickey he left teeth marks on my arm for over a week) and lastly he held a knife to my neck because I was filming him on my phone, he was acting funny and cute so I wanted to keep it as a memory. I guess that was my own fault. He made me think it was not a big deal and he was just playing. He said if he didn't care about it then why should I? I fell for his lies and he manipulated me into thinking he was perfect and couldn't do anything wrong. He said he loved me and still says it. I was stuck and didn't want to break up with him because I was scared but when I finally plucked up the courage to do so, he stopped coming to school because he was kicked out for shouting and threatening a teacher. He's not a nice boy as you can tell.
Also he sometimes took advantage of me by "touching" me when I didn't want him to and told him to stop. He used to get up and turn the lights off so I couldn't see if he was near me. When I tried to push him off me that's when he bit my arm and bit it harder when I pushed more, I had tears in my eye when he finally let go.
The reason I'm writing this is because although I'm over him, he scared me from moving on properly. I'm scared sometimes that my current boyfriend will do the same things or worse, even though he's nothing like "tony" was/is. Please could anyone leave comments to help me move past what happened. I need to tell my current boyfriend. I don't know how he'll react but he's nothing like "tony" as I said.