So I’ve been talking to this guy that I met on Tinder for about 3 weeks now. I really like him and he is so sweet to me, etc. We did have sex on the first date but it’s like we connect in a way I’ve never connected with anyone before and we now have gotten attached to eachother quickly. Only thing is I’m 19 and he’s 26 but seriously he even tells me it’s not all about the sex and I believe him. He says he is looking for a serious relationship and I’ve never really been in one but I care about him so much and I seriously am so annoyed because we text every day and he replies so quickly. Only
today he hardily replied to me 😡 and I’m mainly annoyed because he lives 30 mins away from me and every second I can get to talk to him I will and he will too it’s just today I feel like idk why is he not texting me back??? He is a dj so last night he played a show and went home at 3 am but messaged me this morning, and now he all of a sudden disappears? and it’s 11:50 pm no text what so ever since 7:00 pm??? wtf this is the reason I don’t trust guys and the reason I changed his name to Dont Answer is because I’m petty and hate this shit. I even tried to call him no reponse?!? Am I being over dramatic or is he just avoiding me? Help me understand 😩
P.S. it’s Easter Sunday and he doesn’t work today so I know for a fact he isn’t busy 🤔
UPDATE: And he lives alone and doesn’t have any family here.
UPDATE #2: You girls were right! Wow, I over reacted like crazy thank you to the ladies that responded I shouldn’t jump to conclusions so fast and trust him. I’m just one to text someone so fast since my phone never leaves my hand, but I guess other people are different 😅 (2nd screenshot is the update)