anyone else feel like they're fucking losing it?

Oh my GOD . Wants to be on the titt 24/7 but won't fucking nurse efficiently, pops on and off fucking drags the stupid ass nipple shield down then gets mad It's not on my nipple, only wants to be ON me no laying down sure as fuck no sitting.' Doesn't want to face me so won't stay in a carrier. Won't fucking sleep. I am fucking losing my marbles and getting extremely frustrated about to just fucking give up breastfeeding because it is so goddamn frustrating right now. I'm way too fucking tired for this. I really need a break but guess what?! I never get one!! Because it's all fuckin me!! I cannot handle this right now 😡😡😡😡😡I feel like a freaking piece of shit but I'm so DONE I need a break I need a solution I need something I don't even know. How are you people getting through the fourth leap?