Stop Feeling Ill While Breastfeeing - 40oz Day


Hello everyone!

Congragulations on your new bundle of joy!

I've decided to breastfeed again with baby number 2. This time however, my milk is pouring in! I'm pumping at LEAST 40 ounces a day starting at only 4 days postpartum and I'm also direct feeding the baby as needed. This is something I'm obviously beyond thrilled about, but I'm having an issue.

I feel weak, dizzy, shaky and lightheaded alot. I'm drinking at LEAST 120 ounces of water a day, at least. I'm taking my daily prenatal vitamin and I believe my overall diet has been really healthy ( I usually know that's the case when I have a hard time putting the food down!). My diet has been filled with mostly fruits, vegetables and lean meats. When I'm feeling ill I eat a nutri-grain bar with an apple or a banana for a quick, yet short pick me up.

I've kept up with my red raspberry leaf tea at 2 cups a day and a breakfast essentials shake once a day.

Any suggestions on additional supplements or other quick healthy snack items that will provide the extra nutrients I need while producing this much milk?

Although I want to make sure my health is well [and protect my hair and teeth from falling out!], more importantly, I want to be sure I'm passing along the proper amount of nutrients in my milk for the baby.

I was going to double up on the prenatal vitamins, but learned it was a big no no.

Thank you in advance!