naming your angel 😇

sam • tracking my flow and going with it 🌵 mama to an 👼🏽
hello friends,
I've shared my story before - I had a missed miscarriage (found out at 11w5d but baby stopped growing at 9w). A few days before discovering our miscarriage we found out the baby had Turner Syndrome. That's how we found out our baby was a girl - by being given news something was wrong with her. The fear of all that was to potentially come consumed us, and before we could rejoice in having a girl, and baby names, and little pink bows...we lost her. Its been a little over a month and I've been hating that we never got to give her a name. What do you think? Did you name the baby you miscarried? My husband doesn't agree with giving the baby a name as he thinks that would make us sad all over again and prolong our pain.